私家版の写真集『遠い水平線 On the Horizon』について、お問い合わせを頂戴しています。
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Today is the Girls' Festival (Hinamatsuri), and Haruka's 2years old birthday party.After enjoyed cherry blossom tea, we went to the sea, and took a lot of photography.

“On the Horizon” Kazuhiko Washio
For nearly a decade, I have been photographing seaside landscapes and people by the sea all over Japan. Since the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami hit Japan in March 2011, I have traveled along the coastline in Tohoku region to take photographs of coastal landscapes and people there as a part of daily life, albeit seriously disrupted by the disaster.
I have walked on the seaside where aftermath of the disaster was still clearly visible, with debris scattered all over the place and scraped-away sandy shores, wanting to pick up small traces of the disaster through the camera lens. I look at these photographs again and again, until those records turn into memories. until I find new WORDS.
To me, “memorization” is not an act of crystallizing the past. It is, indeed, feeling its invisible existences keep moving. Through that, I realize the future is not uncertain but something concrete as it's created by accumulating living past. Memorization can be an act of inviting the future.
The world today is a place for the children to grow and live in. Those children will grow up to be different or new breeds. I have no idea what they will think and feel once they reach my age, but as adults, we try to find new possibilities in them. We have a huge responsibility to them, because they are destined to inherit all kinds of memories – the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful. Our responsibility as adults today is to look at the past, learn lessons and pass those lessons on to the children. To make the world a better place for today’s children, we must not hide, forget, or neglect the inconvenient past.
Recording, and memorizing, and visualizing not only what is visible, but also the invisible. It is a simple and uncomplicated act for everyone. I believe in the power coming from people making those small acts. We will see the horizon.
Kazuhiko Washio (March 2nd, 2012.)