These postcards were written almost 100years ago.
I have found them in Brighton, England last weekend.
It was so amazing for me because I felt not any distance, but familiarity with them. I could fly to these beaches immediately that were taken by un-known photographers a long time ago.
I have been taking photos about "the sea" over 10 years.
The sea is the universe.
When we look the sea, we can find no boundary in; nationalities,religion, cultural systems,historical background, and even time&period.
We all share the sea, as one entity.
The world is now too complicated, and too torn in pieces.
How can we see again ?
As a new project, I will published the book with photos about the sea that I have taken, and with the stories about the sea that I collected.
Dear friends, If you have a story or memory about the sea,
I want to hear your story. I want to talk with you about the sea personally.
Please contact me.
Kazphoto "at"
Thanks you.

(2011.06.18. near Victoria Station, London, England)
(2011.06.19. Brighton beach, England.)
(2011.06.23. Westminster, London, England.)
I have seen some birds.
a golden bird on the top of the building, a little bird on the beach, and a white bird has just flown out from the window.
We all little birds on the small planet. Birds with tender feathers.
See you again in the bright morning.

(2011.06.14. east of Essex, England from BA008)
I have arrived at London, this afternoon. Just before landed on the airport, I saw windmills in the sea. It was an amazing landscape. This is a view from the window of BA008. The Times They Are a-Changin'

(『After311』産経新聞に寄稿/ 2011.06.08)
(2011.05. Motoyoshi, Miyagi.)

I contributed some pictures and text to PaperSky Magazine "Japan Mindscape Project", These photos were taken in Kesennuma, Miyagi, 2009.
I have never forgotten this landscape and people I met there.
Hope you to read them.
PaperSky Magazine "Japan Mindscape Project"

(2011.05. Akiya, Yokosuka.)